Communication is what we rely on, communication is key to most of the world's operations, and if not done in the right way or at the right time may lead to grave consequences. That's why we at Shatoo have chosen to ease this barrier by creating a platform that will ease the means of exchange between guardians and drivers, in return making the shuttle a conducive means of transportation for all learners on board.
For the safety, comfort, and well-being of the learners, our aim is to simply keep them less worried about neither the journey to School from home nor that from home to school. We believe that having a transparent channel of communication will promote discipline amongst the drivers to improve on their time management and also avoid irresponsible "loading" of learners on vans that in itself is a catastrophe in waiting.
Stemming from our parent company's mission of Impactful Innovation, which seeks to change the society around us through innovation. We have discovered that there is a need to have a cleaner or more systematic way of operating the school shuttles be it private or owned by the schools to give the learners that use them a better ride experience.